Friday, April 1, 2011

Saturday, September 5, 2009

the night

as the night passes minute by minute, moon travels to the other end and the static of the clock becomes almost demonic , the mind starts weighing the givens to it. thankful it is to thee who cooked it, but garnished his wit with woes of a different kind. innovating newer ways to pinch the seeking soul with needles of matter to yet again bring it down to the sombre morning sans hope and desire-filled, and then the cycle again. and then the cycle again to a different height another contour, an untouched land of another night singing songs of Him to get shattered yet again by the shudder of matter. as she lay waiting for him to touch her with his gentle, soft palm, little had she known it was not to last. that pushed she would be, again to the whirlpools of her material backrests. travelling the world looking at the same story endlessly on numerous faces, it has become clearer that IT is not to be, it was never intended to be by a higher power. Groups of them teeming with hope of a lower kind, selling their most prized posession to desires seemingly eternal. failing Him yet again compelling Him to send another saviour , another staged life.

Lets not let this night fade away only to lead to a sad dawn , live it up inside rather than outside, transcend all mental high to a higher high than the highest 'mental' high. capture it in your mind forever to live it at will, use it to your good. Spread humility. and lets fade away to merge into the ONE.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

search for self....

there it goes again out of my sight...couldnt keep it for longer...actually never am able to. The idea of self is aloof. Trying to keep it is a self defeating assumption. Keeps on playing in front of your eyes, flying from branch to branch and causing an illusion of allusion.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

beautiful poetic composition by Sri Guru Gobind Singh

about God
he who is free of symbol,colour and caste
is free of form of any kind that anybody can describe
is permanent , an experience of unending light, called un-erasable
the 'indra'(king of Gods) of a crore(kot) 'indras'
the emperor of emperors.

birth of an institution

Saturday, September 20, 2008

spirit of evergreenlight

the drops have started to amalgamate


in my mind a thought took flight
fears ran faster with all their might
roads went vacant and out of my sight
the only thing flashing was an evergreenlight...

Saturday, September 13, 2008


mansiondreams and traffic emotions

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


long before being christened with gold it first appeared,born from the 'garbha' of Mother Earth and thus named. an idea so rooted so basic and so causal and essence-tial.


genuine son of auroville

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


time to measure to walk out to toil in the sun to love a wall to realise to create so that the citadels of our thoughts dont pity us for not giving them birth on this beautiful earth for them to touch.




forced to fight
